Orders and add-on orders must be placed five weeks in advance of the requested pick update.
We do not sell broiler chicks or turkey poults to individuals outside of Texas.
We do not mail broiler chicks or turkey poults.
Broiler chick ordering guidelines
The Texas A&M AgriLife Poultry Extension Unit can supply day-old broiler chicks for youth livestock shows within the state of Texas. These are straight-run commercial-type broiler chickens suitable for youth market broiler and roaster shows. We recommend you order your chicks so that broilers are approximately 6 weeks of age at show time and roasters are 8 to 9 weeks old at show time. All chicks are sourced from NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) certified hatcheries and are Pullorum and Typhoid-free.
Pricing for broiler chicks
- Wing banded chicks – $1.74 each (Sold in multiples of 25)
- Non-wing banded chicks – $1.62 each (Sold in multiples of 25)
Packaging for broiler chicks
Chicks come in 50-count boxes with 25 chicks per section. The 50-count box dimensions are 18.5 in X 12 in X 7 in.
Additional Poultry Shipping boxes (25, 50, and 100 counts) can be purchased if necessary for your handout needs. This is optional and it will cost extra. After you have added the items (chicks) to your cart click the back button of the browser until you are at the home page (usually twice). Then click on the OPTIONAL – Extra Poultry Shipping Boxes link and then select the size and quantity of the box and add it to your cart. After you have them added you can proceed to check out from that point.

Ordering guidelines for broiler chicks
Holiday special ordering guidelines for broiler chicks
No orders will be picked up on these dates:
- Good Friday – pickup moved to Thursday, April 17
- Juneteenth Celebration – Week of June 16 – 20
- Independence Day – Week of July 4
Placing an order for broiler chicks
When placing your order online do not adjust quantities in the cart. If you need to adjust the number you need to order, remove the product from your cart and start over.
Pick-up information for broiler chicks
Pick-up date: Pick-up dates are on Friday unless a holiday interferes and that date will be adjusted for the holiday schedule.
Location: Chick orders are picked up at College Station, Texas at the Poultry Science Research, Teaching, and Extension Center (map to farm with address).
Time: Chicks must be picked up between 8 a.m.-noon on designated pick-up days.
The individual designated for picking up chicks needs to know:
- The number of chicks ordered by their organization to ensure the correct amount of chicks are received and taken home. We are not responsible for shortages once the chicks have left our facility.
- How to properly transport chicks back to their location for a handout. We are not responsible for any stress or mortality of the chicks once they have left our facility.
Please view this handout for transportation tips:
Turkey poult ordering guidelines
The Texas A&M AgriLife Poultry Extension Unit can supply turkey poults for youth livestock shows within the state of Texas. These are sexed commercial-type hens suitable for youth market turkey shows. We recommend you order your poults so that turkeys are 12-18 weeks old at showtime, with 14-16 weeks being optimum. All poults are sourced from NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) certified hatcheries and are Pullorum and Typhoid-free. These poults will be delivered to us through the US mail with a 2-3 day delivery time. We will wing band them (if requested) and have them ready for pick-up as soon as possible. Therefore, the exact times for pick-up will vary, and the individual picking up the turkeys will need to have some flexibility in their schedule and coordinate with our staff for picking up birds. Wing-banded poults MUST be picked up in College Station.
If you are ordering poults and do not want them wing-banded by our staff, it is possible to mail them directly to you. Please coordinate with Stephanie Klein for direct shipping.
Pricing for turkey poults
Hens only, beak trimmed and vaccinated for Newcastle’s Disease
- Wing Banded Poults = $4.90 each (Sold in multiples of 25)
- Non-Wing Banded Poults = $4.80 each (Sold in multiples of 25)
Temporarily Unavailable
- Non-Wing Banded and Shipped to You = $3.75 each (Sold in multiples of 25)
Packaging for turkey poults
Poults picked up in College Station will be in 50-count boxes with 25 poults per box. The 50-count box dimensions are 18.5 in X 12 inches X 7 inches
Additional Poultry Shipping boxes (25, 50, and 100 counts) can be purchased if necessary for your handout needs. This is optional and it will cost extra. Please use the “Order Optional Boxes” link below to purchase your poults and then your boxes. After you have added the items (Poults) to your cart click the back button of the browser until you are at the home page (usually twice). Then click on the optional – extra poultry shipping boxes link and then select the size and quantity of the box and add it to your cart. After you have them added you can proceed to check out from that point.

Ordering guidelines for turkey poults
Holiday weeks special ordering guidelines for turkey poults
No orders will be shipped or picked up on these dates:
- Martin Luther King Day – Monday, January 20
- HLSR/RA Wing Banding – Week of January 27-31
- Memorial Day – Monday, May 26
- 4th of July – Week of June 30-July 4
Placing an order for turkey poults
When placing your order online do not adjust quantities in the cart. If you need to adjust the number you need to order, remove the product from your cart and start over.
Temporarily Unavailable
Pick-up information for turkey poults
Turkey poults pick-up at Texas A&M
Hatchery shipping date: Poults are shipped on Mondays from the hatchery via USPS and are in transit for 2-3 days.
Pick-up date: Poults will need to be picked up the same day that they are delivered to the Poultry Science Research Center. Pick-up dates are subject to change due to USPS transit. The individual/organization placing the order will be updated with the projected delivery/pick-up time of the poults by our office based on communications from the Post Office.
Location: Poult orders must be picked up at the Poultry Science Research, Teaching, and Extension Center in College Station, Texas (map to farm with address).
Time: Poults must be picked up 1–5 p.m. on designated pick-up days.
The individual designated for picking up poults needs to know:
- The number of poults ordered by their organization to ensure the correct amount of poults are received and taken home. We are not responsible for shortages once the poults have left our facility.
- How to properly transport poults back to their location for a handout. We are not responsible for any stress or mortality of the poults once they have left our facility.
Additional ordering information
Broiler chicks and turkey poults can be ordered online through the Texas A&M Marketplace – Poultry Orders for TX County & Local Youth Shows store. The poultry species ordered through this system are the responsibility of the contact person placing the order.
A credit card (MasterCard, Visa, or Discover) or Debit Card is required at the time the chicks are ordered. Once payment is received for the order, it can NOT be refunded.
Wing band numbers and major show poultry
We do not track wing band numbers for these birds. Additionally, broilers/turkeys ordered through this system are NOT eligible for the Houston, San Antonio, Rodeo Austin, or State Fair of Texas market poultry shows.
Order deadline
Orders, including additional poultry add-on orders, are due at least 5 weeks before the requested pick-up date, but can be submitted any time prior to the deadline.
Order confirmation
When you click the submit button, an automated email will be sent to the address listed on the order that will contain your order number and other order information. If you don’t see the confirmation email in your main email box, please check your spam/junk folder. Please keep a copy of this email as it will contain your Order Number and other information about your order.
If you do not receive this confirmation email, please either resubmit your order or contact Stephanie Klein.
If you do NOT receive a receipt of the order email and a confirmation email from Stephanie Klein within 3 business days, email her immediately to confirm your order was received at [email protected]. Failure to do so could result in your order NOT being properly received and processed.
Contact us
For information on ordering broiler chicks & turkey poults, please contact Shelby Espinosa, program coordinator.
Stephanie Klein
Extension Program Specialist I; Youth Programs Coordinator
Pullorum disease and fowl typhoid control reporting requirements
For all intrastate market poultry shows, a PT-03 Form is needed to be filled out by a county agent, Vocational Agriculture Teacher, or Poultry Show Superintendent to certify the poultry exhibited in the market show are from a Pullorum-Typhoid clean source. Please fill out a PT-03 Form and return it to the Poultry Programs Administrator’s office at TVMDL at least 30 days before the show date by mail, fax, or e-mail. A list of each student’s name with hatchery source and date of purchase may be attached as a separate attachment to the PT-03 form. Please indicate “Attached List” on the PT-03 Form if your organization already has a document listing the students’ names on it. Otherwise, complete the entire PT-03 form and include the students’ names on the form. The hatchery source is Texas A&M POSC Department.
For instructions for completing the form, and printing out a PT-03 Form please visit the links below.
By filling out the PT-03 form for the market poultry shows and returning it to the Poultry Programs Administrator at TVMDL, your show will be meeting the requirements of the Texas Statutes under the Agriculture Code. Title 6. Subtitle C. Chapter 168 Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid Control.
For information concerning this form or Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Law, please contact Ms. Sydney Rosario in Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) at:
Sydney Rosario
Poultry programs administrator
PO Box Drawer 3040
College Station, TX 77841-3040
Phone: 979-845-4186
Fax: 979-845-1794
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact Us
For information on ordering livestock show poultry, please contact Stephanie Klein, our Program Coordinator.
Stephanie Klein
Extension Program Specialist I; Youth Programs Coordinator