Undergraduate Degrees
B.S. in Poultry Science
Growth of the poultry industry has created the need for scientific, technical and business knowledge in the various fields important to successful poultry production. In few fields of science is an understanding of the basic sciences, nutrition, genetics, physiology, diseases, biotechnology, processing and marketing more rewarding than in the modern, intensive methods of poultry and food production. Students are trained in the necessary background, analytical skills, problem solving and leadership for complex production units, hatcheries, integrated feed mills, processing plants and research laboratories. Rapid industry growth provides many career opportunities for graduates.
Poultry Science Degree Emphasis Options
Students are given two emphasis areas in which to specialize their education toward their selected career goals. The University Core Curriculum courses and the Poultry Science Core courses are required for both emphases. Students then complete a B.S. degree in either emphasis area by completing the respective emphasis area courses. All students are strongly encouraged to get early and frequent academic counseling which is readily available.

Industry Emphasis
Students completing a B.S. degree in the industry emphasis find employment with the poultry and food industries in positions such as corporate management, quality assurance, sales or technical support in live production, processing or marketing. Students in this emphasis also get positions with pharmaceutical and equipment companies, with industry trade publications and in various university and public service positions.

Technical Emphasis
Students completing a B.S. degree in the technical emphasis are prepared for advanced study in biochemistry, nutrition, physiology, molecular genetics, reproduction, processing technology, microbiology or environmental science and for eventual professional employment in research, teaching or public service. This curriculum can be easily tailored to meet the veterinary medicine preprofessional requirements.
Contact an Undergraduate Advisor
Kristina Rosati
Academic Advisor II; Undergraduate Advising